Social Media
Connect with other homeschooling using social networking tools. You can share tips and ideas, get support, collaborate on lesson plans, upload photos, and much more.
Homeschool Facebook Pages
African American Homeschool Network
The African-American home school movement is growing; however there is a lack of on-line networks. This FB Community is a prelude to the collaborative effort to create a membership site. Its main function will be to support, encourage, and promote African American Homeschool families. Including curriculum selection and co-op group start up in your local communities.
Social Networking for Homeschoolers
Homeschool Launch
Do you have resources to share with other home educators? HSLaunch is a free platform for sharing files, sites and other information with other homeschool families.
The Homeschool Lounge
The Homeschool Lounge is a free online community exclusively for homeschool moms. The vision of The Homeschool Lounge is to connect homeschool moms from all corners of the web. Get advice, give advice, share, learn and laugh with those who truly understand you.
HomeEducator LinkUp
HomeEducator LinkUp is a network for home education. Share videos and photos, read news feeds and popular blogs, and participate in forum discussions. Homeschool students can take online classes together and can start study groups with other homeschool students around the world.
Black Homeschoolers Club
This is a great social networking site for black homeschoolers. It is designed to help share educational goals and curriculum plans as well as connect with other families.
My Homeschool Place
My Homeschool Place is a friendly homeschool community where members gather to talk about their homeschool jouneys. Sign up for a free MHSP account and enjoy your own personal website where you can create blog entries, upload photos, video, create calendar events, view friends, and much more. You are able to upload artwork, lessons, work sheets, photos of outings, recipies, and much more. You can also apply to join any of the existing network groups or create your own. Inside each of the existing network groups there are group blogs, photos, videos, calendars and forums to connect with other members in the group.
Creating & Using a Homeschool Social Network
Social Networking: What Does It Offer the Homeschooling Family?
The Internet has become a powerful homeschool tool. Social networking can pull all of these internet tools and more tools together.
Facebook kicking it with homeschoolers
A short discussion of Facebook's decision to offer a verification method for homeschool students without having to list a high school.
Homeschooling using Social Networking Tools and Technologies - The Journey Begins!
A look at how a teenager is using social networking tools in his homeschooling experience.
Featured Resources

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Douglas Wilson looks at the state of America's school system and offers a remedy for those who are committed to their children's best interests in education. Wilson details the history of the classical education movement and discusses what is needed for a useful curriculum. Readers will come to understand that classical education offers the best opportunity for academic achievement, character growth, and spiritual education. 
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Field Trips: Bug Hunting, Animal Tracking, Bird-watching, Shore Walking
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