Magazines & Newsletters
Browse through our listing of local and state magazines and newsletters, as well as some national publications.
Local & State Homeschooling Publications
amie network
The amie network is for Christian homeschooled teenage girls. Members of the amie network receive a monthly newsletter, have opportunities to meet and connect with other homeschooled teens, and receive support and encouragement.
National Homeschooling Publications
Home School Books & Business Association
Published by HSB&BA, the Home School Books & Business Association. This trade journal is designed to connect publishers of quality home school prodcuts to the retail market and promote the success of businesses serving the home school community.
Practical Homeschooling Magazine
Practical Homeschooling magazine offers a Christian perspective and includes product reviews, columns written by national known experts, homeschooling success stories, contests, and more.
Learners Online Magazine
Learners Online helps teachers and home educators make the Net an accessible, useful educational tool. Each monthly issue gives you the knowledge and tools you need to integrate online content with traditional home and classroom learning, over 40 pages of great educational resources, activities, and lesson plans each month.
Homeschooling Parent Magazine
Launched in 2000, Homeschooling Parent is a bi-monthly publication focusing on stories of interest to homeschooling families, products, and ideas that assist parents teaching their children at home. Individual subscriptions are offered, as well as free group subscriptions for support groups or libraries.
Montessori International
Montessori International is the magazine for all parents and teachers. Montessori International magazine is a high quality colour education magazine with a Montessori focus and a truly child-centred approach. The magazine is for Montessori parents, nursery owners, teachers, and students with an interest in Montessori education.
Secular Homeschooling Magazine
Secular Homeschooling is a non-religious quarterly magazine that reflects the diversity of the homeschooling community. Its readers and writers are committed to the idea that religious belief is a personal matter rather than a prerequisite of homeschooling. This magazine is for any homeschooler, religious or not, who is interested in good solid writing about homeschooling and homeschoolers.
Kids' Town
Kids' Town is a magazine for homeschool kids by homeschool kids.
Homeschooling Horizons
At Homeschooling Horizons Magazine, their goal is very simple: to provide you with the encouragement and tips needed to provide your child with a superior education. Whether you are new to home education or a veteran of many years, Homeschooling Horizons Magazine has what you need. If you are using a traditional curriculum or unschooling your child, the articles, tips, activities and stories are sure to have you nodding in agreement and learning from their varied columnists.
Homeschooling newspaper with lots of articles. Read online or get the printed newpaper sent to your home free.
Jewish Home Educator's Network (JHEN) Newsletter
JHEN connects you to Jewish homeschoolers throughout the country and world-wide. It is a quarterly newsletter filled with thought-provoking articles, letters from readers that provide open dialogue on a wide range of interesting topics, mouth-watering recipes, creative holiday and craft ideas, stimulating book reviews, a Jewish calendar chock-full of information and original ideas, help columns with practical how-to advice on homeschooling. It is the only place you'll find the columns "Homeschool Hannah" and "Aunt Rachel's Bookshelf".
Featured Resources

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When Children Love to Learn: A Practical Application of Charlotte Mason's Philosophy for Today
Children want to learn and one of the best approaches to homeschooling is to meet their natural curiosity with support and understanding. Charlotte Mason's educational philosophy does just that. This book offers explanations of how to incorporate Mason's ideas into your teaching, leading to more success in learning and less frustration in the home education environment. This book is a great resource for those embarking on the homeschool journey, as well as being an invaluable resource for those ...
Kinder Dolls: A Waldorf Doll-Making Handbook
This comprehensive guide for beginners and experienced doll makers shows how to create many different kinds of handcrafted dolls from natural materials. Handmade dolls with their simplicity of expression and design leave children’s imaginations free, rather than being confined by perfectly finished dolls made of artificial materials. Instead, these dolls encourage the magic of creative play and bring children the gift of imagination in which they see themselves as “makers.” Incl...
Progeny Press Study Guides for Literature
Progeny Press study guides include vocabulary exercises, comprehension, analysis, and application questions, introduction of literary terms, background information, discussion of related Biblical themes, suggestions for activities related to the reading, a complete answer key, and more. These are some of the titles available (grade range is in parentheses): The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (9-12) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (6-8) Amos Fortune, Free Man (5-7) Anne of Green Gables (5-8) ...
Creative Home Schooling: A Resource Guide for Smart Families
For a comprehensive guide to home-based education, that does not promote any particular curriculum or religious view, this is one book parents should buy! Parents will appreciate practical advice on getting started, adjusting to new roles, designing curriculum that is both child-centered and fun, and planning for social and emotional growth. Parents will turn to their favorite chapters again and again. Features interviews and tips from many homeschool parents as well as long lists of resources...
Miserly Moms: Living on One Income in a Two-Income Economy
Save Thousands of Dollars a Year Jonni McCoy and her family are proof that you live on one income. The McCoys made a successful transition from two incomes to one while living in one of the most expensive parts of America: the San Francisco Bay Area. Her Miserly Guidelines will help you save thousands of dollars a year on everything from groceries to electricity to insurance and household cleaners—as well as reveal the hidden costs of holding a job and common money wasters. Her practical,...